Graduation Attire supply soon to be graduates with ceremonial gowns and caps for their special day, all year around.
However, an unusual order was recently fulfilled and the story behind the request was quite incredible.
Lauren Pitt lost her sight through a degenerate eye condition when just a teenager. One day Lauren began chatting to a visitor whilst she was working on a guide dog charity stall at an exhibition. The visitor introduced himself as Martin Lewis of Graduation Attire. Lauren told Martin how she would never have completed her degree without the support of her guide dog Goldie, Martin, astonished by the support Goldie offered Lauren during her studies, came up with the idea to make Goldie a specially adapted gown and cap so that Goldie the guide dog could accompany Lauren on stage to receive her honour.
Working out the mortar board size for Goldie was a challenge but “we’re sure you’ll agree, Goldie looks the perfect student!”