Graduating from university is a massive achievement, and the day itself is a wonderful occasion for graduates and their families. Just like any other special occasion, commemorating the moment with…
Graduation is a wonderful day for all involved and a celebration of the achievements of graduates, but it’s not always going to be a bright and sunny affair. Graduations sometimes…
Courthouses have been around for a long time, playing host to any number of cases from murder trials to juvenile misdemeanours. The court system is a large and varied body…
Law can seem complex and varied, comprised of a host of legal terms that can be a lot to wrap your head around as you study for your legal career.…
Although one may be quick to assume that most people study law and get a law degree in the hopes of becoming a lawyer, it’s not as cut and dried…
Your first day in court is a big day and a significant step in your career, so it’s normal for it to seem daunting. A courtroom is a highly formal…