Graduation is one of the most important days in a student’s life. This ceremony marks their transition from education to work and allows them to start a new chapter in…
Dominic Chandler
Dominic Chandler
With a history in sales and marketing, Dominic is focussed on developing and growing the Evess brand to work with our customers, providing them with a simple journey and helping them understand exactly what they require for their event. Learning more and more about the industry throughout his time working for the company, and so following much research, Dominic is able to offer help, guidance and provide information in specific areas of the Graduation and Legal sectors.
Graduation is an important moment in every student’s life, closing the chapter on one part of life and beginning the next. It is a celebration of years of hard work…
Barrister’s wigs have long been a staple of courtrooms since the seventeenth century and it is a tradition that has been carried through to the present day. But, what are…
Graduation is the most important event in your life as a student, closing one chapter and beginning the next. It is important then, that the ceremony goes off without a…
Legal gowns and wigs are both iconic and historic pieces of attire, so they’re both worthy of respect and a bit of TLC from time to time. And while there’s…
Graduation is a memorable and special event for any student — so it makes sense to mark the occasion with a suitable gift. However, it’s easy to get a bit…
First of all, let’s deal with the elephant in the room. A mortarboard cap does share a name with a bricklayer’s tool, but it is not named after it. Don’t…
Graduation Day is a day of celebration for every university student, even in winter, but how do you know what to wear to a graduation in winter? You’ve finished this…
Graduation attire is iconic in regards to how it looks, but also what it represents. The culmination of years of hard work and celebrating the next chapter of a person’s…
During our recent trip to the University of Exeter for their graduation, we met a very inspiring mature student today who had overcome a lot to get her degree. She…